3Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
James 1:3-4 (King James Version)
I see you when you are in the garden of grief, My princess.
I hear your cry for help in the dark hours of the night.
I myself cried out in the garden the night I was betrayed.
In My suffering I asked My Father for another way-- a less painful way.
Yet I trusted His will and purpose for My life and knew the ultimate victory was at the cross.
Just as olives must be crushed to make oil.
I pouredout My life as a love offering for you.
Don't ever doubt that I am with you and that I long to take you to a place of comfort, peace and victory.
Even when you cannot see Me from where you are.
I am working on your behalf.
Give to Me the crushing weight of your circumstances and come to Me in prayer.
When it is time to leave the garden, I will walk with you across the valley and straight to the cross-- Where your trails will be transformed into triumph.
Your Savior and your Victor
This is just a reminder that these are devotionals -- never to be substituted for the Word of God! =)
I look at this and think of how He can take my folly and use it for his victory! Which is what He tells us all the time but He wants us to come to Him in a time of prayer... It doesn't have to be some long boring prayer! If you're doing to do it make it count, make it real! Go into or to a place of peace, a place where you can be alone with the Lord and just let it all out! Even if it's crying! He wants it all but you know Jesus isn't Santa.... Yes, I was shocked when I heard that he doesn't want to be visited only when we have problems! He wants to be visited daily! Go check him out it's like chillin with a friend ;) I Love my alone time with Him and I'll confess sometimes it's short but spend it with Him undivided attention to Him!
Much Love till the next time! ;)
Peace Out and Jesus Bless!
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