Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's Getting There? Are We There Yet?!

Here we are dawn of a new year! Happy NEW Year to one and all!

Last year (review)
For myself was NOT the business! I am humbled that I've been married one year so far pray for us that there will be many more! So we are called "newly weds" that's fine by me but is there ever a time (like seriously) when you are never a newly wed or do you even want it to come to that? Something to think about...

New Year (what's in store!?)
I don't want last year to carry over so... changes obviously need to be made and you know I've happy with my husband and our little life we have going on but there's more to life than some ordinary day in our ordinary lives. Jesus is the reason why we're here and well... I want to be and do right not wrong, I want to help not hurt and add not take away from all that belongs to Him. I've done enough of that in my lifetime and do not want to be hindered or hinder the blessings of he Lord Jesus! How do we start changing? Well I stopped my routine that I was blessed by so... I'll start again and try a little bit more and a little big harder that's a start don't you think? Some things I would like to accomplish are or pray to have accomplish are:

- my morning prayer walks I used to do it for about an hour to an hour and a half... when I got married behold I kept to it! When hard times hit I stopped... When really I probably should have prolonged it!!! Ah well you live and you learn right!

- a job to help my husband and myself - going back to school to finish isn't an option at the moment. I want to help my Manu.

- stop closing doors when things get hard. Inside run to open more doors (Jesus willing of course)!

- live healthy not lose weight just live healthy!

- save to go to Tonga! I need my dad I really do!!!! In Jesus Name

Anyway that's just a few things a way to have something is plot it out! A step at a time if not nothing will come about! Ok I did my first design of the year and it's now my header for our blog. I haven't had the desire to design but here we go that's another one. I will start designing for personal products.

I don't have much to share at the moment soooo I'll be back =)

Ofa atu!

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